Arouba Waseem
4 min readMar 2, 2022

What’s stopping you from having a pet in your home? According to a national survey, cats and dog owners are less likely to develop diseases like insomnia heart problems than nonowners. Most dog lovers don’t own dogs because they fear taking their care. Are you afraid of taking care of your pets in winter? Dogs are at higher risk of dying during the winter season. That’s why we have brought you tips to take care of your dogs in the winter season.

Maintain a balance between indoor and outdoor duration:

You can’t make your dog stay entirely indoors and outdoor. It’s better to decide the timings of your dog’s stay inside or outside the house. If the snow level on the outside is too much, don’t let your dog go out. It might be at risk of developing frostbite. It’s a disease caused by cold in dogs. The symptoms include white and blue-colored skin.

It would not be dogs to keep dogs inside all the time. They need a walk and outdoor activities too, just like humans. So, take them out whenever the sun shines.

Choose the right bed:

Limiting the outdoors or indoors time isn’t enough. If you let your dog sleep on a cold floor, all of the dogs’ care will be in vain. Debra Bourne published a journal stating that exposure to cold at night is the most significant factor contributing to animal death. You must take care of your pet’s sleep just like you do yours. Buy a heated bed dog to be used by your pet during the winter season. Your dog will have a good and warm nap on it.

Increase intervals between baths:

There’s a myth about animals’ bodies that they don’t feel cold because of the layer of hairs on their bodies. But that’s not true. Animals need protection and shelter just like humans. We often feel freezing after baths during winters. So how can we expect our dogs to stay healthy and warm after it?

Although baths are necessary but you have to increase intervals between baths to decrease the chance of the dog falling ill.

Clean your dog’s feet more often:

Dog’s paw care is a must. We can easily spot deicing substances like sodium chloride and calcium chloride during the snowy season. These salts help to make the way clearer for the pedestrians. But they are not suitable for paw pads. After every walk, wash off your dog’s feet with warm water. Don’t forget to clear the spaces between the cracked pads to avoid ice buildups. A tool for ensuring paws’ cleanliness is the paw gloves. They are very helpful in reaching narrow spaces like cracks to clean them.

Protect your dog from heat sources:

Have you observed your dog being happy around heat? That’s because dogs enjoy playing around heat during winter seasons. But this might cause an alarming situation if they approach fire or excessive heat. Try to make a safe heat-sourced system in your home to keep your dog safe.

Final Words!

Keeping a dog is like owning a loyal companion. A study proved that dog owners had reduced depression and anxiety levels. If our pet dog provides us with so many benefits, we must provide protection and care in return. The best way to keep your pet warm is to have a daily cuddle time and enjoy the season to its fullest!



Arouba Waseem

Exploring the perks of writing with the expression of thoughts!